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March 9, 2021
St. John Bosco Clinic Taking It One Step at a Time
April 7, 2021

Happy Easter from the St. John Bosco Clinic

It is time to celebrate the holiest day of our faith.

We are filled with joy and hope as we watch many parts of our community start to come back from the challenges of the pandemic. Our hearts and efforts are with those who continue to struggle with the losses that have impacted so many.

This past year provided us with much time to reflect on our biggest gifts: faith, family, health, and community. These gifts, and the example of the Risen Christ, serve as the inspiration for the work we do through the St. John Bosco Clinic.

As we begin to once again look towards gathering with family in celebration, I encourage you to hold the miracle of the Resurrection close to your heart. May it guide you, fill you and continue to connect you in the light of faith.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Easter from all of us at the St. John Bosco Clinic,
– Berta

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